Monday, February 23, 2009


Today was Shivaratri day, a festival celebrating the Lord Shiva:

However, a more interesting fact that goes unmentioned in that Wikipedia article is that in Nepal at least, Shivaratri Day is the only day of the year on which it is acceptable (not sure about legal?) to smoke pot, and apparently, it's quite popular. Fortunately, for the sake of myself and my various lung conditions, we spent the day at DNC, where such heinous acts do not occur. I shall be posting up pictures again tomorrow when I have steeled myself to once again perform this task whose completion is often, to say the least, illusive.

In addition, there seems to be a great and intangible force that is working in stout opposition to my having a nice, hot shower. It comes in many shapes and forms. We may be out of water. The electricity may be off, so we cannot run the pump. The sun may not have been hitting the panels on the roof long enough to produce hot water. The shower may be cursed. All the water may have turned to blood. The water tank may be filled with dead pigeons, and so all that comes out of the tap are feathers. I cannot know for certain. All I know, as I'm sure you're all tired of hearing by now because you're so jealous, is that I'm becoming quite good at bucket baths.


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