Monday, May 7, 2012

Rob & Gina at RI Convention in Bangkok!

Sawadee kap (that is 'hello' in Thai by a person who is of male gender) from Bangkok!  

Gina and I are enjoying the RI convention along with 40,000 of our fellow Rotary/Rotaract friends from around the world!  What an amazing group of individuals (and couples) who share similar goals, ideals and purpose to positively impact their community and the world. 

We've already made many new Rotary friends from countries like Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal (of course), Germany, Thailand, Canada and different states from around the US!

The opening plenary session was fantastic.  It was so inspiring to see the flags of all of the countries where Rotary is present (178!!!).  Three new countries were just added including the newest addition - Bhutan.  25 Nepali Rotarians flew to Bhutan at the end of April for that chartering ceremony.

RI President Kalyan Banerjee gave an inspiring opening talk about where Rotary is now, and where it will be headed in the near future.  A new soon-to-launch website, new PR opportunities and new ways to connect Rotarians and clubs around the world.  The 'new' Rotary will allow us to take advantage of technology and social marketing to expand our impact.

The 'House of Friendship' showcases many of the projects and programs done by clubs and districts.  You can see the attached photo of Gina with a working prosthetic hand that one club and district distribute to those in need around the world....truly amazing!    Please make plans to attend next year's convention in Lisbon!  See you soon....

Yours in Rotary & TRIFC,

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