Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bumpy Ride, Emotional Reunion...

Dear Friends of TRIFC,

Yesterday afternoon, I took a bumpy, bouncy, jouncy ride out to visit the children at one of our TRIFC project sites and also the recipient of a recent Bellevue Rotary Foundation Matching Grant projects - DNC (Disabled Newlife Centre), home to 32 children with physical disability.  TRIFC sends funding through the Rotary Club of Kopundol for so many things like: orthopedic surgeries, prosthetics, higher education, a tutor, physiotherapy and food/nutritional supplement.

Currently, many of the roads here in Kathmandu are in various stages of being widened, which is a good thing.  Unfortunately, the pot-holes and craters previously in the roads have been left unfilled and although most Kathmandu roads have never been what you would call 'silky-smooth' anyway, they are now shock-absorber testing obstacle courses!  All of the cars trucks and motorcycles seem to be slowly dancing the samba as they work their way across the dance floor/road...left tire here and right tire there, take one step back and one step forward- careful, don't step on your partner!  I think I must have had a thorough chiropractic back adjustment by the end of my ride!

But it was definitely worth the effort as I arrived at DNC to see the smiling faces of so many children whom I'd been missing for over a year.  I was so pleasantly surprised to see Sunita Dangi whom TRIFC has been sponsoring through her university studies.  Sunita lost her legs in a fire when she was 9 months old.  However, you wouldn't know it to look at her, she is confident, steady and dedicated to helping others through the education she is receiving.  It was a warm reunion and a wonderful afternoon for us all.

DNC has a new building, courtesy of a wonderful organization in the UK - Nepali Children's Trust.   Brother and Sister team- Fran and Michael Mc Gowan are the impetus behind the new building and I am proud to call them my friends.  My Rotary Club- Bellevue Rotary Club has partnered with the Rotary Club of Kopundol on a matching grant to provide many of the necessary items needed to run this organization including:  
beds and bedding, computers, kitchen equipment, dining tables, games and sporting goods and so much more.  About $20,000 of goods have been purchased or are in the process of being purchased with the grant funding.   

Fran, Michael, RR and I met with the Nepali board of DNC and worked on preparing a detailed budget for the organization so that there can be better planning and implementation of the projects and programs as we go forward.  It was a very productive meeting.

See the faces, the smiles, the impact of TRIFC (and Rotary) in action!

With Warm Regards,

Sunita Dangi - DNC graduate currently in her 2nd year of university study

Jiwaka and Bikash




Subash with Saraswati




"The Gang"


Beds donated via Rotary Matching Grant

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