Sunday, April 29, 2012

Polio Drops of Life!

Dear TRIFC & Rotary Friends,

We have had so many remarkable experiences on this trip it's difficult to pick one to write about! Eric Postle and Brittany Barker (and the other Rotarian volunteers from other clubs) have been super volunteers pitching in wherever needed.

The other day we took 32 children with disability camping overnight with tents, songs, games and plenty of music and dancing! I'll share more about that experience in another post but this time I wanted to share something very close to every Rotarians the drops of life to insure that no child anywhere in the world need ever suffer from the crippling disease of polio.

Our group participated in Nepal's national polio immunization day and walked throughout the old town of Dhulikhel handing out leaflets and visiting two stations of volunteer women who were giving the drops and putting the 'purple-pinkie' die on each child's little finger to indicate they had received their immunization.

It was such a moving experience to actually participate in this annual event and to see how involved the local Rotarians and Rotaractors are in the campaign. Dhulikhel Rotary President Ashok Shrestha led the way with his Rotary/Rotaract team close behind! Eric, Brittany and I all gave the polio immunization drops to waiting was so moving to look into these children's eyes and know that they will be safe from polio forever! That is a great feeling indeed and Rotary is the organization that is getting it done! Yours in Rotary,

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